Jade has experience caring for bearded dragons and likes to share husbandry tips with other reptile enthusiasts. Bearded dragon behavior is related to mood, health and feelings. We also have shedding aids. Your bearded dragon will display a wide number of behaviors over the years, some are completely normal and natural, while others are unusual to say the least. If your beardie is glass surfing, it may need a larger enclosure, more playtime outside of its enclosure, or something else is stressing it, such as a pet cat staring at it or the loss of a cage mate. Read More. It is basically when your bearded dragon is sitting with his/her mouth open instead of it being closed. This behavior can be very amusing, because it appears that the bearded dragon is waving “Hello”, or “Good-bye”. The dominant male would attack and bite other males in his surroundings with lower status. Here are the symptoms and behavior to expect during shedding and what to do and not do … Mating. Head bobbing is generally used as a sign of dominance between two dragons. Some of the bearded dragons have been known to nod their heads slowly up and down in greeting when their owners approach. Among the most popular pet reptiles, bearded dragons tend to be gentle, inquisitive, and active during the day. Unlike people, bearded dragons cannot sweat, therefore to control their body temperature they will open their mouth whenever they reach their ideal body temperature and don't want to get any hotter. If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. However, if a bearded dragon slowly head bobs another dragon, it can be a sign of submission. Other times two bearded dragons will head bob at each other as a sign of territorial aggression. A lot of the bearded dragon behaviors can have multiple meanings so they’re listed below alphabetically. Bearded dragons are commonly kept pet lizards, but their behavior can be a lot more colorful than you might expect. Scale Type – A normal bearded dragon has many scales which are rough to feel, but the fancy bearded dragon may have smoother scales and texture. Watching them display these behaviors can be very amusing, not to mention downright entertaining! Some bearded dragons will sleep during the whole brumation period without waking up, and some will take long naps off and on. Fun Fact-While Bearded Dragon "waiving" is cute it is important to remember that when a dragon displays this behavior it is feeling intimidated. Most bearded dragons will change colors and darken when brought to their exotics vet if they aren't used to traveling (keep your beardie warm on the way to the vet) or handling. This is when your bearded dragon's tail will twitch (similar to a cat's tail). Males will head bob at females to show their dominance during breeding. BMC Genomics, vol 20, no. More dominant beardies may do this in passing to younger beardies. Bearded Dragon Behavior When Shedding If your bearded dragon is preparing to have a shed, don’t be alarmed if they seem to be a little bit on the cranky or reclusive side. Younger bearded dragons may do "the wave" while the older or more dominant dragon may concurrently "head bob.". If you have other specimens in the enclosure, then you should always watch out against bullying behavior. Glass surfing occurs when a bearded dragon tries to climb up the walls of their tank. Occasionally, they will bob their heads at each other as a sign of communication. Your bearded dragon will display a wide number of behaviors over the years, some are completely normal and natural, while others are unusual to say the least. It's rare that a dragon grows to more than 24 inches, but it can happen. So the dominate bearded dragon will always try to get as many UV rays as possible. Many bearded dragons become egg bound and need assistance or surgery to remove all of the eggs from their bodies. Their beard under the neck area is expanded, seems to be inflated or filled with air. Head bobbing is more common in males and it when a bearded dragon will repeatedly raise and lower their head. Behavior can simply be related to your bearded dragons’ … In captivity, temperatures are controlled and food is always available so brumation is not necessary. This is when the bearded dragon will stand high on three legs and will raise the remaining leg in the air and wave it in a circular motion. Normally the bearded dragons will do this when they are basking under the heat lamp. Bearded Dragon Brumation Behavior. Licking is a normal behavior in bearded dragons. For information on the effects of desexing (neutering) on aggressive bearded dragon behavior see the post on spaying and neutering. Many owners report their dragon's tail will twitch when they are hunting prey (crickets) or if they are stressed with your presence (you're petting them and they don't want to be pet). This makes it easier for them to regulate their temperature when they are sleeping. Bearded dragons have over 10 unique behaviors. Brumation is like hibernation for reptiles. Some reptiles in the wild will brumate when the weather gets cooler and food is more scarce. Signs of a Healthy Dragon. i hope you all enjoyed this informational video on bearded dragon behavior! In the wild, bearded dragon brumates in order to avoid cold temperature and lack of water and food. One reason beardies dig is to create a more comfortable spot to bask or sleep in. Read More. See why they do this behavior and learn what it means. Brumation is completely natural and 100% safe for your bearded dragon. Bearded dragons are highly sensitive animals and they can suffer from stress by certain changes in their environment. It may also choose to puff and darken its beard if it feels threatened, isn't feeling well, or if it is trying to display dominance (often done during mating season to impress the ladies). Female bearded dragons may naturally burrow if they are trying to lay a clutch of eggs. In the wild, beardies cover their eggs to incubate them and keep them safe from predators. This kind of … Another behavior that the bearded dragons do is the arm-waving. A bearded dragon will fluff its beard as a threat sign. Digging is when your bearded dragon will begin digging a hole in his or her tank. Some of the most common you are likely to see include head bobbing, glass surfing and waving. http://www.squidoo.com/bearded-dragon-behavior-characteristics, http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/ReptilesAmphibians/Facts/FactSheets/Inlandbeardeddragon.cfm, http://www.reptilechannel.com/lizards/lizard-care/bearded-dragon-basking.aspx. keep your beardie warm on the way to the vet, Waking The Sleeping Dragon: Gene Expression Profiling Reveals Adaptive Strategies Of The Hibernating Reptile Pogona Vitticeps. For example, one bearded dragon may bob his/her head four or five times fairly quickly, and another bearded dragon may bob his/her head twice more slowly in response as acknowledgement. Bearded dragon behavior is related to mood, health and feelings. expand their beards. Bearding - Fluffing Their Beard Dark Markings Turning darker in color is normal for dragons. My personal bearded dragon. Bearded dragons can sometimes do strange things, but this can sometimes be the reason. They have many gestures and body language like beard display, head bobbing, arm-waving, mouth gaping, stacking, eye-bulging, and so on. Recognizing what behavior your beardie is exhibiting and why it is showing this kind of behavior is important to truly understand your pet. Beardies will run back and forth alongside their enclosure (often a glass tank) and stand on their hind legs trying to run up the side. Brumination. If your bearded dragon is old enough, he or she will dig to go into brumation (semi-hibernation). From a very young age bearded dragons start showing dominance behavior such as head bobbing and tail twitching. This question suddenly comes up to me, and then I try to find out why he does that and share it with my curious buddies. Some behaviors mean they are stressed or have health problems whilst others indicate aggression. Digging. Flattening/ tilting body. It shows a wide range of body languages such as head bobbing, body … Bearded Dragon Behavior If you've ever watched bearded dragons, you probably have noticed their amusing behavior such as head bobbing and arm waving. Bearded Dragon Signs of Aggressive Behavior. Read our, How to Stop Glass Surfing in Bearded Dragons, What to Do If Your Bearded Dragon Lays Eggs, Feeding Bearded Dragons Leafy Green Vegetables, The 9 Best Bearded Dragon Supplies of 2021, The 8 Best Aquarium Products for Correct Cleaning, The 7 Best Powerheads for Saltwater Aquariums, Caring for Your Reptile While on Vacation, The 8 Best Air Pumps for Freshwater Aquariums in 2021, The 6 Best Wave Making Devices for Saltwater Aquariums. The Australian Museum, Bearded Dragon Care. There are a couple of possible meanings when a bearded dragon waves it's arms. Bearded dragons will also have their mouth open if they have a respiratory disease. Dominance occurs across the board with bearded dragons, their instinct tells them “the fittest shall survive”, and they are wired to survive even in a captive environment. Price – Normal bearded dragons are at a much lower cost than some fancy bearded dragons. They will also darken their beards while exhibiting the beard puff. Bearded Dragon Health Bearded dragons are pretty hardy animals, but they can still get sick. 18 Common Types of Bearded Dragon Behavior & What It Means 1) Arm-Waving. Bearded dragons do not mimic the behaviors of other animals, so you can be sure that their body language is genuine. This is when your bearded dragon's tail will twitch (similar to a cat's tail). For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet. This is an entertaining behavior to watch because it will look like your bearded dragon is waving at you. Many bearded dragon owners suggest placing a small towel in the cage that your bearded dragon can go beneath to help aid in their sleeping. 1, 2019. However, it is not unusual for a bearded dragon to stretch their beards from time to time without being provoked. Author: Jade Hassenplug. This is generally a signal of submission. A bearded dragon that has eggs yet to be laid is referred to as being gravid. After about three weeks, a gravid bearded dragon will begin to dig in her enclosure. This is strange behavior that bearded dragons exhibit in times of boredom and stress. Dragon sizes vary by breed, and the average size of an adult bearded dragon is usually about 18 inches long. Generally they will do this as a defensive behavior to make themselves seem bigger. Bearded dragon behavior can be easily understood by interpreting visual cues, such as an inflated beard, head bobbing, and arm waving. Several bearded dragon behaviors are simply ways of communicating with others of their species, as well as people and perceived enemies. If your bearded dragon is a female, she will begin digging and moving things around in her tank to create a place for her to lay her eggs. Arm Waving Related Information About Other Popular Lizards. Tail Twitching. Another meaning is submission. Tail Twitching 2) Glass Surfing. It looks comical and you may even think your beardie is playing or sees his reflection in the glass but it isn't doing this for fun. Generally, the faster the head bob the more threatening. This is the start of nesting behavior and indicates you'll need to provide your bearded dragon with a proper nesting area. … Chicago Exotics Animal Hospital, Capraro, Alexander et al. Bearded dragons have distinct personalities, much like other beloved house pets. Waking The Sleeping Dragon: Gene Expression Profiling Reveals Adaptive Strategies Of The Hibernating Reptile Pogona Vitticeps. Reptile.Guide is the preferred educational source on reptiles favored by experienced herptologists and new owners alike. Learn how to determine the sex of your bearded dragon. The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Head Bobbing - Bearded dragons will bob their head up and down as a sign of territorial aggression towards one another. They do it when tasting and grabbing the food with the tongue, which allows them to identify which foods they are eating. Illustration: The Spruce / Madelyn Goodnight. Make sure you contact your exotics vet to make sure your beardie isn't sick or dying but this can be a completely normal behavior—and behavior that is alright to allow in healthy bearded dragons. fitz has been acting strange lately...hey guys! It is not always easy to understand their wide range of behaviors and what they mean. Sometimes two bearded dragons will twitch their tails during breeding. Sometimes a bearded dragon's beard may turn to a darker or even black color when they are bearding. Below are some of the most common signs of aggression in both male and female bearded dragons: Fluffing Their Beard / Bearding – This where the bearded dragon got its name. For a proper metabolism bearded dragons will need to claim a temperature of 95°F - 110°F since they are … During the brumation period, a bearded dragon will likely to stop eating and drinking water. It is also helpful to know what behaviors are normal and which ones are signs of stress or illness. They also have the curious habit of waving a forearm in a circular motion and then repeating with the other forearm.  If a bearded dragon is head bobbing another dragon quickly, it's generally for territorial reasons. You might not know that bearded dragons are well known for his weird behavior, which is not easy to explain. Some of the signs of aggression in a bearded dragon include: Bearded dragons exhibit a variety of behaviors. Bearded dragon molt or shed due to growth, diet, health, breeding, and habitat, with baby and juvenile bearded dragons sloughing more often since they are growing. Not every bearded dragon will do this, but if yours does it can be an indicator of your bearded dragon's mood. If your reptile isn't eating, moving much, burying itself, and defecating, he or she may be trying to brumate. When bearded dragons feel they have dominated something or someone they may bob their heads. Reptile.Guide is the preferred educational source on reptiles favored by experienced herptologists and … Not … Bearded Dragon Behavior and Diseases. The bearded dragon can be backing upon a perch and all of a sudden raise a front limb and rapidly wave it above its head. Their beard may go black too. Springer Science And Business Media LLC, doi:10.1186/s12864-019-5750-x. The bearded dragon is famous for the variety of behavior patterns which it displays. You can ignore this altogether if you’ve been properly supplementing your bearded dragon’s diet, but if you’ve been lax on their nutrient intake it may indicate that a real problem exists. It’s the bearded dragon’s way of say, “hey, I’m friendly!”. This is strange behavior that bearded dragons exhibit in times of boredom and stress. If a bearded dragon waves at another bearded dragon, it tells the other dragon that he/she is aware of their presence. A better understanding of bearded dragon behaviors may help you in taking care of them because certain behaviors may carry their language. Bearded Dragon Health Bearded dragons are … Known for being territorial, adult bearded dragons may display their aggression to defend their turf from other males, fight for food, or compete for … Central Bearded Dragon. Their beard under the neck area is expanded, seems to be inflated or filled with air. Learn what each of these and many other behaviors mean. Glass surfing should be considered an abnormal behavior and beardies can actually hurt themselves by rubbing their feet, bellies, and faces on the glass repeatedly. Adrienne Kruzer, RVT, has worked with a variety of animals for over 15 years, including birds of prey, reptiles, and small mammals. Overall body color changes and beard color changes may occur slowly as your bearded dragon grows, but if a sudden or temporary color change is noted, it is due to stress, illness, or an emotion. You can read a full post on bearded dragon licking behavior in this post. Arm Waving. Fancy bearded dragons are outside of this color range and lean more towards the red side. Brumation is an innate behavior of bearded dragons. A better understanding of bearded dragon behaviors may help you in taking care of them because certain behaviors may carry their language. Bearded Dragon Head Bobbing Some of these behaviors, though, can be an indication that something isn’t quite right with your beardie. Like humans, there is specific body language in a bearded dragon that will indicate its mood, health, and feelings. If there are no hides in the tank at all, your bearded dragon might start … Inflated Beard You may notice that this is the most common behavior of bearded dragons. Your young beardie may even do this when it sees you walking up to it if it is intimidated by you but it usually does this to older bearded dragons who it doesn't know very well. This may look like your bearded dragons are getting along and are great companions, but it's actually a sign of dominance. Behaviors can be a result of feeling threatened, a response to the environment or other dragons in the tank. Circling, hissing, and piling up are some other behaviors that beardies engage in. In captivity, they shouldn't have to worry about the predators, but most bearded dragon breeders will remove the eggs after they are laid and incubate them at controlled temperatures in incubators. Find complete bearded dragon behavior information here. But, keep in mind that it can also mean they are stressed; this can be determined by the other behaviors that will follow if feeling threatened or ill. Bearded Dragon Basking Basking is always needed for your bearded dragon. Bearded Dragon Digging This is an aggressive sign when threatened, they’ll flatten their body … An open mouth is just what it sounds like. Lying on Top of Each Other Unusual behaviors in bearded dragons are usually signs … Inflated Beard You may notice that this is the most common behavior of bearded dragons. Bearded dragon’s use this behavior to regulate their inner and outer body heat. However, since having an open mouth is common behavior for bearded dragons, it's normally just a sign that they are regulating their heat. Don't hurt me!" This is literally what it sounds like—they bob their head as though they were saying "yes." The most common reason for an open mouth is that your bearded dragon is regulating his/her temperature. Bearded Dragon Behavior If you've ever watched bearded dragons, you probably have noticed their amusing behavior such as head bobbing and arm waving. Beardies will run back and forth alongside their enclosure (often a glass tank) and stand on their hind legs trying to run up the side. Behaviors can be a result of feeling threatened, a response to the environment or other dragons in the tank. If your beardie is digging, be sure to provide the appropriate substrate so that it can lay its eggs, make sure you are offering enough calcium in its diet, and monitor its eating and activity levels carefully. Both male and females bearded dragons Learn how to determine the sex of your bearded dragon. Biting - It is fairly obvious that biting is a sign of aggression. The first and best way to tell if your dragon is healthy is to observe how active and alert they are. Although typically docile, a suddenly aggressive bearded dragon at the beginning of spring is likely due to seasonal changes cueing breeding time. So why does my bearded dragon stare at me? Bearded Dragon Unusual Behavior. Dominant Bearded Dragon Behaviors like Head Bobbing. Beardies will often darken or turn black if threatened or upset. In the animal kingdom it is the survival of the fittest, and bearded dragons need UV rays to remain healthy. Therefore, their body tells them to do it. Bearded dragons tend to wave their arms frequently. If you are right here, be one of my naughty friends! No hides in the tank. Learn how to create a happy, healthy home for your pet. But a bearded dragon might also use its tongue to lick … One meaning is species recognition. See why they do this behavior and learn what it means. Here are the symptoms and behavior to expect during shedding and what to do and not do to help them. In the below video you can see two of my beardies, male & female, mating. Cannibalism happens when bearded dragons are caged in a large group with limited sources of food. Obviously it makes the dragon seem bigger and more threatening so it can be seen as a sign of aggression. Brumination is actually a term for a less intense form of reptile hibernation. If your bearded dragon tries to bite you when you handle it, you should simply put on a pair of gardening gloves because not handling your bearded dragon will not lower their aggressiveness…it will only prevent you from developing a closer bond with your beardie. Bearded dragons are hierarchical and territorial lizards that live a solitary life. The motion is similar to when the bearded dragon is posturing for a female or trying to scare off a rival, but it is performed more slowly. Hissing – Bearded dragons may also hiss if they feel threatened. Arm waving is used by both sexes to show submission. Young bearded dragons may do a slow "wave" with one of their arms to signal, "I'm just a baby! One reason bearded dragons can be digging is because they are trying to create a small basking area that is more comfortable. Bearded Dragon Behaviors Explained. Again this is another sign of being uncomfortable or a sign of aggression. A bearded dragon may wave his or her arm whenever they are approached by a larger bearded dragon or whenever a larger animal approaches the dragon. Bearded Dragon Mouth Open (Gaping) One theory about the cause of this behavior is that eating the shed is the bearded dragon attempting to make up for a calcium deficiency. It is … You may additionally notice them not wanting to be held or even seeming a little restless and fidgety. Each bearded dragon may behave differently during the brumation stage. It’s one of the reasons they are so sought after as pets. Bearded dragons get their names from the area on their throat where a human might have a beard. This "beard" can be puffed out and darken to black on-demand when your beardie gets upset. Before mating bearded dragons will bob their heads. They may even black beard a little more than normal as well. Pogona is a genus of reptiles containing eight lizard species (though some sources say nine or ten) which are often known by the common name bearded dragons.The name "bearded dragon" refers to the "beard" of the dragon, the underside of the throat, which can turn black and puff out for a number of reasons, most often as a result of stress, or if they feel threatened. Bearded dragon molt or shed due to growth, diet, health, breeding, and habitat, with baby and juvenile bearded dragons sloughing more often since they are growing. In this video I will talk to you guys about different bearded dragon behaviors. Suddenly Aggressive Bearded Dragon Conclusion. Bearded dragon killing and cannibalism; While bearded dragons are cute and kind lizards, they might kill and eat other bearded dragons or other lizards if there is a need. 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